Our meeting is the beginning of love

Our love is the beginning of happiness

Our happiness is simply being together


Our love journey

  • On that day, you agreed to be my lover! The two of us that knew each other was really something I could not expect! Thanks to Facebook and Dota, we have come together

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • I don't know how to tell you, I just want to say I ❤ You so much!

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • And the days after that were conversations with me! Happiness is also sad ^^

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • But as time goes on, we go through times of not understanding each other! I made you sad

    Day ... Month ... Year 2030

  • ...

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • And then one day, I sent you a Teddy Bear ^^!

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • We started talking often!

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • ....

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • ....

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • First meeting - First hug

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • First time watching movies together, first holding hands, first two meals, first date.

    Day ... Month ... Year 2020

  • Becoming a legal husband and wife, and since then, life and death have been very broad, and I said, holding hands and getting old.

    Day ... Month ... Year 20xx

A few messages

Meeting you is the greatest fortune in my life. I just want to walk through mountains, cross rivers and see the world with you, and I only love you. I can't give you the whole world, but my world is here for you. Can I borrow your life?
You can borrow my life to talk and share the joys and sorrows together. Maybe no one will love you more than me. Years later, only I am willing to accompany you. I want my heart as well as yours, we will all join together, will live up to it.


We have a long way to go in the future, where the road is and how we come from, we know nothing about it. It doesn't matter, because I believe that we will continue to be together, together to overcome all difficulties as always.
We will have laughter, tears, will remember, will forget, sometimes quarrel and disagree with each person's point of view, will also keep our own opinion. But most importantly, we will support each other and make progress together, stronger than ever.  

Promise from me

Meeting you and loving you is destiny arranged for me.
This life is the harmony between the sky and the earth, I will protect you from the wind and rain, and you will sing the melody of love with you. I swear to love you unconditionally, cherish you, my heart is only you, only the two of us, only our family is the only one, and it won't change
Regardless of weather, ups and downs in life, weak or strong, I will go with you. Even if the earth stops spinning and the sun stops shining, I will belong to you.
Even though one day her steps were not stable, her black hair had turned silver and white, her beautiful face had hidden many wrinkles. I will still hold your hand, walk with you in the light of the sunset I promise to always be honest with you. Will never make me sad.
I promise to be the one to support you, love you, protect you and build a warm home with you, a home we can be proud of.

Cite our love

©HaryPhamDev 2020

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